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OHF2017 Featured Partner: Century Equipment

1950, Century Equipment originated as a partnership between Bob and Don O’Brien on Bennett Road in Toledo, Ohio, primarily engaging in the retail sale of power mowers, selling almost exclusively to homeowners in the Toledo and Southern Michigan areas. It was known then as Century Power Mower Center.

Modern day, Century Equipment has shown remarkable growth each year and is now one of the largest distributors of Toro products in the United States. They are ranked at the top in market penetration, although their market potential is rated 11th in the United States. Century has also been recognized by Club Car as being one of its top-performing independent distributors. These achievements are accomplished through the team effort of key personnel, who are interested in the welfare of the company and work closely to promote the future development of Century Equipment.

Century Equipment exercises the same commitment the community as they do to their business. They have partnered with Old Hilliardfest for many years, providing golf carts for the annual festival. The festival wouldn't run nearly as efficient as it does without the key support from Century Equipment. We like to say that Century Equipment keeps Old Hilliardfest rolling smoothly.

Old Hilliardfest 2017 is presented by the Hilliard Civic Association, in partnership with some really great people.

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